Friday, 26 October 2007

A2 Major Project

Thursday, 11 October 2007

AS Designer Poster

"I should never have bought..."

About six months ago I bought a Pink ‘Chocolate’ phone designed by LG. I’ve owned several pink mobile phones now as I find they’re that little bit different and a lot harder to lose.

This phone hosted a new accessory for mobile phones, boasting ‘The worlds first touchpad phone’ and looked great. Its stylish and sleek appearance, perfect size and insurance of all the smaller gadgets that are found necessities in phones nowadays; camera, bluetooth and internet access. It looked likely to do the job, and well.

Don’t get me wrong, it works. It texts, calls, allows internet access and bluetooth communication; all things people would say made a good enough phone. But, for the money, the specifications just don’t tally. I’m not a morning person, so an alarm is necessary. Setting an alarm on your phone and then turning it off is a natural thing for most phone owners but once off this phone doesn’t wake you up.

It’s not just this one small thing it’s all of those ‘small things’ that allow this phone to irritate its' owner. As well as an unreliable alarm there’s snail paced bluetooth connection, very little memory, non-existent reception and, although a lovely design, the screen on the outside of this slide up phone has become a burden. The screen was violently scratched into whilst I was on holiday this year, after leaving it in the bottom of my bag.

Perhaps I’m not as careful with it as I should be, or perhaps I’m not appreciating what it does do enough. But what I do know is that I will put up with it for now and perhaps next time I won’t buy it ‘because it’s pink’.